Meitei Kuki-Zo Relationship Complex but Cordial: Benjamin Mate

THE relationship between the Meitei and Kuki-Zo communities in Manipur has been complex but cordial. Historically, the Kuki-Zo people have supported the Meitei community's demands, including their pursuit of full-fledged statehood, the inclusion of the Meitei language in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution, and the implementation of the Inner Line Permit system in the Meitei Valley.

However, this support has not been reciprocated. The Meitei community has denied the Kuki-Zo people's demands, including their request for the implementation of the 6th Schedule, which would have provided greater autonomy and rights to the tribal population. Furthermore, the Meitei community has blocked the implementation of the Delimitation Act of 2003, which would have resulted in the Kuki-Zo people gaining more assembly seats in the Manipur Assembly.

Recent Developments and Escalating Tensions
The situation has escalated in recent years, with the Meitei community, in collusion with the Manipur Government, perpetrating ethnic violence against the Kuki-Zo people. This has resulted in heinous crimes, including rape, brutality, and humiliation. The Kuki-Zo people are now demanding separate administration, which they believe is the only roadmap for peace between the two communities.

A Way Forward
To resolve the conflict, it is essential that the Meitei community supports the Kuki-Zo people's demand for separate administration. This would require the Meitei community to acknowledge the Kuki-Zo people's rights and autonomy, and to work towards a more inclusive and equitable solution. Ultimately, the only way to achieve lasting peace is for the two communities to live separately as good neighbors, with mutual respect and understanding.

HS Benjamin Mate
Kuki Organization for Human Rights Trust.

~ Eimi WAP

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