Rebuttal Statement by the Kuki-Zo Women’s Forum Delhi & NCR

We, the Kuki-Zo Women's Forum Delhi & NCR, unequivocally reject the baseless and inflammatory allegations made by the so-called Meitei Heritage Society, DeMAS, and NUPI against Kuki Inpi Manipur and the broader Kuki-Zo community. Their continued attempts to peddle lies and twist the narrative of the ongoing conflict in Manipur are not only misleading but serve to escalate tensions and obstruct the path to peace.

The accusations of drone bombings and missile attacks by "armed Kuki terrorists" are fabricated and are part of a well-coordinated campaign to demonize the Kuki-Zo people. This deliberate disinformation aims to shield the real perpetrators behind the systemic violence and ethnic cleansing targeting Kuki-Zo communities. We strongly refute the ludicrous claim that the Kuki community, which has borne the brunt of violence, displacement, and the destruction of thousands of homes and churches, is engaged in terrorist activities. Instead, we remind the public that it is the Kuki-Zo people who have been forced into survival mode, defending themselves from brutal attacks on their very existence.

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) P C Nair, former DG of Assam Rifles, a decorated and respected military leader, has made it clear that there is no verifiable evidence of drone bombings on Meitei civilians by the Kuki-Zo people. His objective stance, supported by facts, is grounded in truth and integrity. The desperation shown by Meitei CSOs in attempting to discredit a well-respected military officer only highlights their fear of the truth being exposed. Their continued denial of Meitei militia drone attacks on Kuki-Zo villages, and their deliberate targeting of civilians, exposes their own culpability.

The violence perpetrated by Meitei militants on Kuki-Zo settlements—through mortar bombings, drone strikes, and armed militias—has been well-documented by multiple credible sources, including human rights organizations and media outlets. It is ironic that those responsible for such atrocities are now attempting to falsely paint Kuki-Zo communities as the aggressors. We challenge the Meitei Heritage Society and its affiliates to produce credible evidence to substantiate their claims, rather than relying on concocted narratives and the dissemination of hate.

We also take strong exception to the personal attack on the President of the Kuki Students' Organization (KSO), Delhi, Mr. Pojakhup Guite. His public statements have been distorted to fit a vile agenda, aimed at tarnishing the image of the Kuki-Zo people. The manipulation of facts and the selective quoting of individuals shows the intellectual dishonesty of these groups.

Regarding the data of casualties, it is crucial to recognize the broader context. The deaths of Meiteis and Kukis should not be treated as mere numbers in a cynical game of false equivalence. While the suffering on all sides is undeniable, the disproportionate violence directed at Kuki-Zo communities, including the burning of entire villages and the targeting of women and children, must be acknowledged. The attempt to downplay the trauma and loss experienced by the Kuki-Zo people is callous and inhumane.

Finally, the claim that Kuki Inpi Manipur is avoiding reconciliation is patently false. It is the Kuki-Zo community that has consistently called for peace, justice, and an end to the violence. However, peace cannot be built on a foundation of lies and manipulation. Any meaningful dialogue must begin with an honest recognition of the suffering inflicted on the Kuki-Zo people and an acknowledgment of the crimes committed against them by Meitei militants.

We call on the Government of India and the international community to remain vigilant in discerning the truth from propaganda and to ensure that justice is served for all victims of this conflict. The Kuki-Zo Women's Forum Delhi & NCR stands firm in its commitment to peace, truth, and justice, and we will not allow these malicious attempts to rewrite history to go unanswered.

Issued by
Kuki-Zo Women's Forum Delhi & NCR*  
Date: September 17, 2024

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