Are Nagas' Indian? | Population List of Naga Tribes

The Nagas are an ancient people whose forefathers migrated into their present habitat sometimes between 1128 BC- 759 BC. The existence of the Nagas is mentioned by Claudius Ptolemy, the Greek Scholar in his Geographia as naked people in about 150 A.D. Interestingly, the location which Ptolemy described about the naked people has been the exact place in which the present Nagas are living now. The existence of the Nagas were again mentioned by Hiuen Tsang, the Chinese traveler who spent 15 years in India between A.D. 629-645. This indicates that, the Nagas who inhabit the land of Nagaland have been occupying their land from time immemorial and had lived independently in their self-contained village republics democratically without any socio-political, economic or cultural link with its neighbors or any other nations.

The intrusion of British in the year 1832 in the Naga territory was the beginning of the new history and the birth of nationalism for the Nagas. Prior to that, the first Naga encounter with the foreigners was with the Dimasa Kacharis around 12th century. And the first armed conflict was with Sukhapa, the founder of the Ahom kingdom in Assam, who tried to enter the Naga territory from Burma around 1215 A.D.

The beginning of the 19th century was marked by unprecedented shift in the socio-political history of the Nagas. Kaka D. Iralu in his book “The Naga Saga,” has audaciously stated that “As far as the Nagas under Indian dominion are concerned, Nagaland is not in India, but India is presently in Nagaland by invasion and subjugation.” The history of the Naga conflict lies in the heart of this statement. For the past over a half century, many writers, intellectuals, scholars and the likes has openly argued that Nag are not Indians and they never want to be. This is because of the fact that Nagas has an exclusive history of its origin, migration, distinct culture, laws and customs. It needs a comprehensive study to understand the detail history of the Nagas since there is no much written record and whatever the history is available today is mostly written based on the oral traditions and folklores. For those who mock the Nagas movements for sovereignty apparently shows that he/she is not aware of the Naga history and is ignorant. The Nagas struggle for self-determination cannot be depreciated.

The formation of the Naga Club, formation of the Naga National Council, and the memorandum submitted to the Simon Commission on 10th January 1929, declaration of Naga Independence on 14 August 1947 which was confirmed through National Referendum on May 16, 1951, and the Naga Plebiscite held on May 16, 1951, says it all that Nagas are not Indians. Yes, we are not. We are being forcefully dominated.

It is obvious that Nagas since time immemorial have been living independently until the year when the British intruded the Naga territory followed by the Indians. Various memorandum submitted to the British and Indian government specifies that each Nagas aspire to live freely without being ruled by any foreign powers. Though division, disunity, frequent split and formation of new political groups, the respiteful attitude of the Naga political groups towards each other have depreciated and destroyed the credibility of Naga nationalism. Yet, every political groups, though fragmented, continue to hold on to the demand of Naga sovereignty.

It is an undeniable fact that many of the Naga national workers are tainted, yet, we are certain that there are people who has the true spirit of Nationalism and are ready to fight for the cause of the Nagas till the last man standing. MASSIVE RESPECT TO THEM.

It is to be noted that the Naga People’s Movement is not an underground or insurgency movement, but a movement based on the historical and political rights. The atrocities committed by the Indian armies upon the Nagas during the crucial stage of the Naga national movements cannot be easily forgiven and can never be erased from the minds of the million Nagas.

By: Philip Nyam.

To know the more history of the Nagas, one may read the following books:
The Naga Saga- Kaka D. Iralu.
From Phizo to Muivah- A. Lanunungsang
The Naga Resistance Movement- Aosenba 
Courtesy: WE THE NAGAS Facebook | 24 April 2017   


This is the Population list of 40 Major Naga  tribes 
(population included for sub-tribes with the major tribes).

1. Angami = 452,910

2. Anal = 27,000

3. Ao = 226, 625

4. Chakhesang = 154, 874

5. Chang = 64,226

6. Chirr = 138

7. Chiru = 8599

8. Chothe = 3585

9. Inpui = 10,000

10. Kharam = 1145

11. Khiamniungan = 120,000

12. Lamkang = 7770

13. Lainong (unknown)

14. Liangmai = 60, 000

15. Lotha = 173, 111

16. Konyak = 320,000

17. Makury = 65,000

18. Mao = 97,195

19. Maram = 37,300

20. Maring  = 45,000

21. Monsang = 2427

22. Moyon = 2516

23. Nocte = 111,679

24. Para (unknown)

25. Phom = 13,000

26. Pochury = 21,000

27. Poumai =187,180

28. Rengma = 63,000

29. Rongmei =150,000

30. Sangtam = 74, 994

31. Sumi =300, 000

32. Tangkhul = 680,000 (India&Myanmar)

33. Tangsa = 450, 000

34. Tarao = 1006

35. Thangal = 4475

36. Tikhir = 7537

37. Tutsa = 25,000

38. Wancho = 56,866

39. Yimchunger = 74,647

40. Zeme = 130, 000

Total Naga Population worldwide = 7, 000,000 (7 Million Approx).

*via WhatsApp.


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