An Open Letter to Mr. Modi, Prime Minister of India

Dear Mr. Modi,

I offer you my greetings as a citizen of India and as a Mizo tribal of Mizoram, and a sister of the Kuki-Zo-Hmar people of Manipur. I would like to present before you the plight of my fellow Indians, the Kuki-Zo-Hmar tribes, who are suffering ethnic cleansing from their fellow Indians, the Meiteis from 3rd May 2023 and which is still continuing till today.

When we were in Class X, we learned a story by Leo Tolstoy, titled, “A Spark Neglected Burns the House.” This story teaches us that if we neglect a small problem, it can later become a big problem which may cause major disaster.

There are many problems in India which need to be settled before they become major problems. For example, burning of churches, lynching of fellow Indians by cow vigilantes, harassment of Christian and Muslim communities, etc. Uniform civil code (UCC), if imposed, may create divisions among the different communities which may bring about the disintegration of India.

However, the burning issue of today is your silence, as Prime Minister of India, over the ethnic cleansing of Kuki-Zo-Hmar tribes.

We all know that the ruling party in Manipur is BJP to which you belong. Had it been a non-BJP Party-ruled state, would President’s Rule be not imposed within a month of the initial outbreak of ethnic clashes or after the visit by the Union Home Minister?

As Manipur is a state within the Union of India, its inhabitants are all Indians irrespective of Caste, Creed or Culture. The trouble within the State of Manipur is a trouble within the Union of India. Mr. Modi, why don’t you express your concern with neutrality, and instead of keeping silent, offer condolences to the families of those who lost their lives? Why is it so difficult for you to visit Manipur to take stock of the situation and to comfort the people and try to bring peace to the state by inviting the confronting parties to come together to resolve the conflicting issues that cause this mayhem? Do you not have sympathy or love for the people of Manipur, whether they are Meiteis or Kuki-Zo-Hmar tribes or are you just content to have a BJP ruled state? I believe you must have known that the Arambai Tenggol and the Meitei Leepun are trying to annihilate the Kuki-Zo-Hmar tribes. I think you are aware of the fact that the Chief Minister of Manipur and the Co-ordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) allege that Kuki-Zo-Hmar tribes are narco-terrorists, and the latter declares war against them. You know that this conflict could result in heavy casualties on both sides and most of the victims will be the Kuki-Zo-Hmar tribes, who are the minorities within the state of Manipur. People are Killed, Churches are burnt, Villages are burnt and people are internally displaced in adjoining states mainly in Mizoram. You are projecting yourself to the world as the most popular and capable Prime Minister India has ever had, while the Kuki-Zo-Hmar tribes are being threatened to be wiped out from existence.

If you continue to remain silent, the trouble in Manipur could spread to other states, which may affect the whole country to the point of no return. If this violence in Manipur is allowed to continue, it could eventually bring about the breaking-up of India like that of the USSR.

Let me remind you that India is a democratic country and the people’s Votes determine who the ruling party would be in the Parliament. If the people stands united, any government at the centre can be toppled through our mandate. 

Your indifference and lack of care for the people of Manipur reflects your attitude towards the people of India, not only that of the North-east. This is evident from the fact that you chose to remain silent when Christians and Muslims are tortured and killed, and when churches are attacked and pulled down in different parts of India.

I don’t think I have to remind you that India is a country of diversity. Your Party, BJP must acknowledge this fact. You also know that every Indian is free to follow a religion of his / her choice. Right to religious freedom is enshrined in our Constitution. Trying to make India a Hindu Nation and trying to impose Uniform Civil Code is against the ethos of our Constitution.

Like the story of Leo Tolstoy, there are so many sparks in our country that can evolve into conflagrations which may burn the whole of India into irreparable divisions.

Mr. Modi, as a prime Minister of India, you visited the Balasore train accident site and cyclone-hit Gujarat. You also went to the United States and Egypt. When are you going to visit Manipur?

Please, Mr. Modi, if you really love India and its people, I urge you to show in words and actions that you want to stop the burning of Manipur, whoever may be initially responsible. Don’t you want normalcy to return to Manipur? Your silence may burn India, your / our beloved Country.

Aizawl, Mizoram
8th July2023




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