Lamka 31st August 2022: On the occasion of the Tribal Unity Day – 31st August 2022, the Research & Preservation of the Zo Identities (RPZI) paid tribute to the 9 martyrs who gave their lives for the cause of the tribals in Manipur. Today, we remembered their selfless sacrifices and prayed that their blood will not go in vain.

7 years ago, the passing of the 3 Bills blazed up the Lamka town which resulted in numerous collateral damages which were unfortunate. 9 souls lost their lives, many were injured and innumerable properties were razed to the ground. This is the consequence when the government mishandled an issue and the representatives of the people became a mute spectators.

Today we have a similar case in regards to the park at Chivu. The construction of the Chandrakirti Park_ is based on distorted history which claims victory of Chandrakirti over 4 Lushai chiefs and the subjugation of 112 villages. Also, Chivu is the location where our principal chief Goukhothang Guite was captured and later died at the hand of Chandrakirti. So, if we allow this park in the name of Chandrakirti, it would mean we agreed to this false victory and consent to the glorification of the person who was responsible for the capture and death of our principal chief on the very soil he was captured.

We don't want the incidents of the 3 bills to be repeated. We have offered the government an amicable solution by proposing the name of the park to be called CHIVU PARK without the controversial name Chandrakirti.  We requested the government to correct the fabricated history written in the Chivu Stone Inscription to avoid hurting the sentiments of the Zo people. With the fulfillment of these proposals with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed, the government can go ahead with the inauguration of the park. However, if the government goes ahead without considering these proposals, the government will invite the rage of the people and the repetition of 3 bills cannot be overruled.

The government is well aware of the solution to the Chivu issue. It is up to them either to solve it or choose not to. Our tribal representatives should speak up for this cause to help in solving the case, otherwise, they will be considered as ignoring the cause of the people.

Issued by:
Information, Media & Publicity,
Research & Preservation of the Zo Identities (RPZI) 

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