Dr Sasa's response to Military's false charges against Suu Kyi

Dr. Sasa
TODAY once again, the genocidal military generals in Myanmar have shown that they are doing everything they can to destroy democracy and freedom and that they have zero respect for the will of the free and democratic people of Myanmar. These show trials and charges have nothing to do with justice or the rule of law, it is nothing more than a show. A vain attempt by the genocidal military to justify their treasonous coup and prolong their reign of terror against the entire Myanmar population.

On the charge of corruption, we must not forget that her accusers are the same genocidal military generals who raped and murdered innocent people daily, destroyed Myanmar, and stole the nation's wealth to buy more weapons from Russia and China to kill even more people and continue to commit crimes against the entire population of Myanmar. In fact, our state counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, an elected leader has nothing to do with corruption. Everything she has done in the last 33 years has been to defend freedom, self-determination, and democracy in Myanmar from the genocidal military generals who are no more than the enemies of peace, freedom, and democracy. 

Aung San Suu Kyi
The international community and ASEAN must do everything they can in their power to stop these gross attacks on freedom and democracy; they must take immediate action and hold these military generals accountable for their evil deeds. Every day, the junta leaders and their brutal forces in Myanmar are doing everything within their power to destroy freedom, rights, and democracy by meting out the maximum possible pain, suffering, loss, death and destruction against the entirety of Myanmar. Their tools of choice are not only heavy weapons but also unjust arrests and show trials, the willful spread disease, systematic torture and rape, orchestrated famine, and a campaign of intimidation and terror. All these are the military's weapons against the Myanmar people.

There is no such thing as justice under brutal architect of the coup Min Aung Hlaing and his dictatorship. The verdicts against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi are predetermined and form part of the junta's plans. A theatre performance to smear the legitimate democratic government. The military is treading step by step towards totalitarian dictatorship, but their plans will fail, and they will be brought to justice. The people of Myanmar will hold them accountable for all the crimes they have committed against us. All these injustices will be rectified once justice again prevails.

Thank You and Sincerely, 

Dr. Sasa

Union Minister of the Ministry of International Cooperation 

Spokesperson of the National Unity Government of Myanmar

Former Myanmar Special Envoy to the United Nations


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