Office of the
              ZOMI COUNCIL
         Headquarters: Lamka

Lamka: the 22nd March, 2021

The Zomi Council Headquarters and its Constituent tribes condemn in the strongest terms, the heinous crimes against humanity unleashed by Military Junta in Myanmar (Burma) since 1st
February 2021. We also condemn the non-recognition of election results in the country and subsequent Coup by Military Junta, and their brutal attempts to subside democratic voices of the people leading to killing hundreds of innocent people. At this juncture the Council is minutely 
observing the developments unfolding in the country and could not be a mere spectator to the 
sufferings of the Burmese, especially our very own people within the present territorial jurisdiction under the Government of Myanmar, as 'blood is thicker than water'. The Zomi Council uphold democratic principles and has been tirelessly working for restoration of fullest democracy in Myanmar ever since its inception. We, therefore, appeal to the international community to intervene immediately for restoration of democracy in Myanmar and stop the brutal killings of peaceful protesters. The Indo-Myanmar boundary is unique in many ways - it was drawn unilaterally by the colonial British and remains inconsistent with the traditional limits of the indigenous people living in the borderland for ages. Knowing this fact, the British initiated free movement zone within 20
kilometres on both side of the boundary. The policy continues in the form of Free Movement 
Regime (FMR) which allows indigenous people living along the border to travel 16 kilometres 
across either side of the border without visa restrictions. In the event of humanitarian crisis 
unfolding in Myanmar, we request the Government of India to uphold the existing FMR policy to facilitate humanitarian aid and assistance. We also appeal to each and every Zomi and the Churches to uphold in prayer the sufferings of our people in Myanmar and fervently pray that peace, normalcy and democracy is restored in the country. We cannot remain silent spectators in times of the emerging humanitarian crisis. 

Issued by
Information & Public Relation
Zomi Council Headquarters, Lamka

ZOMI COUNCIL is an apex body of Zomi Tribes
Gangte Tribe Council, 
Kom Union, Manipur, 
Mate Tribe Council, 
Paite Tribe Council, 
Simte Tribe Council, 
Tedim Chin Union, 
Thangkhal Tribe Organisation, 
United Zou Organisation, 
Vaiphei Peoples' Council


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