Interview: Mr. Zamminlun Singson "Winner of the 2020 International Artist Grand Prize Competition

A SELF-TAUGHT painter from Manipur was declared the "Winner of the 2020 International Artist Grand Prize Competition" by the 2020 ART Revolution Taipei.

Around 5000 artitsts from 82 different countries participated in the exhibition from 27-30 August 2020. One of his paintings titled 'Peaceful Smile' was sold at a whopping price of Rs. 3,74,688.67. He has scripted a new history.

Born and brought up in the family of Mr (Late) Thangtinkhup Singson and Mrs Hoikhonei Singson of Sumtukphai village, Churachandpur, Manipur. He has two elder sisters and a younger brother. He was born on October 14, 1997.

Passed out Class XII (Science) from Rayburn Higher Secondary School, Lamka in 2015 in second division and Class X from Children's Training School, Lamka in 2013 in first division.

In an exclusive chat with Mr Bruce K. Thangkhal, Joint Editor of Zogam Today on Monday (28-09-2020), Mr Zamminlun shared about his life journey.

Here are excerpts from the chat.
Zogam Today (ZT): It's really nice to hear your name has been declared as the "Winner of the 2020 International Artist Grand Prize Competition" by the ART Revolution Taipei - 2020 ART. Congratulations?

Zamminlun Singson (ZS):
Thank you so much.

ZT: To whom and what do you credit your achievement?
ZS: All my achievements are attributed to God, who gave me this talent, without learning any course from college/university.
I'd like to thank my beloved dad. My achievement is like a tribute to my dad, who passed away on 10th May 2017 due to cancer.

And also to my beloved uncle, Khamjalam, for the supports he gave me. He passed away in September 2020.

And all my family, friends and who have supported me in many ways. Just because of these beautiful people, I can reach what I am today now. All credit goes to them.

ZT: How authentic is the result? Do you receive any call from the organizer, ART 2020?
ZS: They didn't call me about this, but the result was declared in their official website.

ZT:  Is there any advantage for the winner? 
ZS: The winner has chance to exhibit his artwork at the 2021 Art Revolution Taipei.

ZT: On what basis/ art, you won the competition? 
ZS:  One of my three arts/paintings titled the "Fiorenza" (old italian) drawn on a medium size paper (77cm x 60 cm) with a pencil, which took 80 hours to complete, has became the winner. This art is an illustration of a young maiden looking with a very calm and composed, poised grace as delicate as a flower and as fierce as the blazing fire.

ZT: Hope, you may leave soon for Taipei, to collect the prize/award?
ZS: Waiting information from the organizer and will decide later.

ZT: Were you confident enough or do you get nervous to participate in the exhibition?
ZS: I do feel nervous at the beginning. But now, I felt better and gained more confident. I'll continue to develop my skills to have high level of confident in any event to come.

ZT: Do you expect something from the exhibition, before you join?
ZS: Yes, I have little expectation. I don't expect much. I was just happy for getting the chance to participate in this exhibition.

ZT: When did you start drawing / painting?

ZS: I started drawing and painting since my childhood, even before attending school, as a hobby. But I devoted as fulltime artist since 3rd March 2019.

ZT: Who inspired you in painting/arts?
ZS: Ancient artist Leonardo da Vinci and modern artist Diego Koi, an hyperrealist artist from ITALY.

ZT: Do you have any formal training?
ZS: No formal training in my life, even not a single day. I'm a simple and self-taught.

ZT: How do you practice yourself?
ZS: Everything is from the internet. Tools and  skills, and all the practices are copied from Google. Also by following professional artists from social media.

ZT: How many hours do you normally spent in painting/ artworks? 
ZS: 80 hours for A1 size and 100 hours for A0 size.

ZT: Why you said, "Google is my university?"
ZS: For competition, exhibitions, events, art fairs, I used to search/check in Google. I could not attend any class. All the tools, skills and practices, I took the guidance from Google.

ZT: How do you participate in 2020 ART Revolution Taipei, August 27-30, 2020? Do any one help you?
ZS: No one help me. I Google it myself and participate it. I could not attend the exhibition due to COVID-19. So I send my works through Courier.

ZT: How many of your works displayed during the exhibition?
ZS: I send 3 works to the organizer and all of them were selected and displayed.

ZT: What are the normal size of your paintings for 2020 ART? 
ZS: Approximately, it's A1 Size.

ZT: What are the tools used in your paintings?

ZS: Pencil on Paper.

ZT: Are tools decided by the organizer?
ZS: No, I chose my own tools.

ZT: Do you know who actually bought your artwork the "Peaceful Smile" at Rs 3,74,688.67?
ZS: I'm not sure because I didn't attend the exhibition.

ZT: What was your reaction on hearing the art "Peaceful Smile" was sold out at Rs 3,74,688.67?
ZS: Beyond my expectation. I was too excited.

ZT: Whom do you first informed about the good news?
ZS: My mom and siblings.

ZT: What was your childhood aim/dream?
ZS: Footballer

ZT: Who is your favourite footballer?
ZS: C Ronaldo

ZT: What do your parents want you to be? 
ZS: They want me to have a government job.

ZT: Have you venture outside Manipur State?
ZS: When my father was diagnosed with cancer, no one in our family could earn for our living. I am the eldest amongst my siblings, so I dropped my college studies and went to Delhi for earning. In Delhi, I learnt a lot about art value and thereby started participating in art exhibitions. I left Delhi for home on March 3, 2020 just before Lockdown.

ZT: Before you devoted as fulltime artist, what was your job?
ZS: Working in a Canadian call center in New Delhi.

ZT: Which exhibition was your first participation?
ZS: "Passion Explosion", a national level art exhibition at Artizen Gallery, ITO, New Delhi in 2019.

ZT: How did you manage your studies? 
ZS: I am pursuing graduation from IGNOU, New Delhi in Sociology subject. It's my final year. I don't know whether there will be exam or not.

ZT: You could not present physically in the exhibition. How do you manage your gallery?
ZS: Every finalist artists send the original selected artworks to the organizer thourgh courier for the exhibition. Willing artists can attend the exhibition but due to COVID-19, I guess less international artists go there.

ZT: What is the average details of your "artworks"?
ZS: (i) Medium: Pencil on Paper. (ii) Time taken: 70/80 hours approximately. (iii) Size: A1 size (average size is 28 inches x 30 inches)

ZT: What is Hyperrealist Art, according to you?
ZS: Hyperrealism is an art base on realistic art, maybe a drawing or a painting. No matter how good you are, you can't reach hyper realistic level without patience.

ZT: What are the names of your three 'arts' which were selected for the exhibitions?

ZT: How could these arts fetch you a fortune (INR)? 
ZS: Fiorenza = 7 Lakhs,  Eye = 7 Lakhs, and Peaceful Smile = 5 Lakhs.

ZT: How do you paint the "Peaceful Smile"?
ZS: I have used some models. Reallism portrait can hardly be imagined.

ZT: When did you know "Peaceful Smile" was sold?
ZS: It was listed among the "Sold Paintings" in the official website. The "PEACEFULL SMILE" was one of them. And I also got the confirmation mail.

ZT: What is the description of the title "Peaceful Smile"?
ZS:  Title: Peaceful Smile
Medium: Pencil on paper
Size: 73cm x 53 cm
Time taken: 70 hours

Description: This sketch depicts the happy and energizing youthful smile of the girl, who is seen playfully smiling as water is being splashed on her face. With wet face and water dripping all over, she is enjoying the moment and cherishing it as she gives her most vibrant smile showing her pearly whites.
The artist skillfully portrays the intricacies of a happy girl with a peaceful smile. The girl is seen looking at someone with playfulness in her eyes as she smiles.

Happiness which is a very broad spectrum for humans as each one finds their happiness in different ways so is the girl here happily smiling with wet face.

Thus, the artist leaves the space open for his audience who can then come up with their own assumptions and conclusions not restricting them to narrow down their thinking.

ZT: What is the description of the title "The Inquisitive Eye"?
ZS: Title: The Inquisitive Eye
Medium:  Pencil on paper
Size:  77cm x 65 cm
Time taken:  80 hours

Description: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it is shown wonderfully in this pencil sketch of the artist. As he sketches the minute details of the eye and makes the audience wonder what the eye is seeing and looking at, giving them a chance to look at the sketch and come up with their own imaginations and views.

"The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden; and like a mirror, they also reflect the person looking into them." - Paulo Coelho.

The artist beautifully demonstrates the peeking eye which is in focus and is looking at the world outside with wonder.

Given to the artist commendable skills one can see the intricate details including the eye lashes and the pupil. So real it seems that one can look at it and find the eye looking back at them, watching them.

ZT: What is the description of the title "Fiorenza"?
ZS: Title:  Fiorenza (old italian)
Medium: Pencil on paper
Size:  77cm x 60 cm
Time taken:  80 hours

Description: A beautiful illustration of a young maiden looking with a very calm and composed, poised grace as delicate as a flower and as fierce as the blazing fire.

The artist skillfully portrays the girl with a wet face and water droplets slowly dripping from her forehead to her hand on which she rests her face gazing with a seductive composure where she can be seen with a slight mocking gaze as her eyes highlight the slight smirk which is hidden in her expression.
The artist beautifully demonstrates the entire face with a very even and real description of the actual real features and not animating the portrait. From the beautiful face to the glossy hair with little strands over her face as she is wet with water dripping all over her.

ZT: Can you name some of your participations in Art Exhibitions?
ZS: (1) National level "Passion Explosion" at Artizen Gallery, ITO, New Delhi 2019. (2) National level "Art n Art" at Artizen Gallery, ITO, New Delhi. 1st Prize Winner of the year 2019 Art n Art (public voting). (3) Art Exhibition at North East Festival at IGNCA 2019. (4) World Indegenous Day, Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts 2019. (5) Art Exibition at GOA (Entertainment Society of Goa) 2020. (6) Art Exhibition in Mumbai at Taj Hotel Palace, 2020. (7) Spandan Global: Indo Singapore Art Festival, Singapore, April 17-21 2020, and (8) ART Revolution Taipei 2020 - Taiwan, May 22-25, 2020.

ZT: What is currently in your mind now?
ZS: I am thinking ways to startup my own "Art Studio" in Lamka town, Churachandpur, and wants to organise an awareness about the value and history of ART.

ZT: What is your future plan?
ZS: To exhibit more in the international arena.

ZT: What do you want to convey to art lovers?
ZS: To art lovers, our society could not yet adapt to appreciate the arts and its values. So we must create an awareness to shake all over the world. We as artists, our responsibility is to take ART to higher level so that people will know how to appreciate arts, and then there can be better options for artists around the world.

ZT: Thank you for sparing your time. May God bless you in your future endeavours.
ZS: Thank you so much for the interview.

Courtesy: Zogam Today |29-09-2020]
*Bruce K. Thangkhal is also the Editor of KHALVONTAWI
(Copyright: All right reserved)


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