Homage to a Naga-forlorn dead sister

No Answer to My Soulful Query

NEW DELHI, AUG 12, 2020 --- The untimely death of our  naga sister late Mhonyani Kikon in Goa away from her loved ones back home in Nagaland brought shriek pain in my heart.

- Only what is haunting me as usual , how long our sisters and brothers from hills of north  will migrate  for bread and butter in cities ?

- Really, do we have no enough resources to feed our youth that they have to migrate to cities for meager pay to earn their livelihood ....?

- It's heartbreaking for me help to bury them in cities in strange graveyard, or cremation done amidst strangers in crematoriums or send their dead bodies in coffins back home of our NE youth dying in cities. Its more painful many are in distress due to lack of jobs and and opportunities back home... compel them to hang around even for petty jobs in cities, lonely, homesick, bereft of family love and care ....

- Many a times victims of exploitations, silently crying throughout nights hoping for new dawn ....where they too can smile, being loved and cared by their love ones back homes in the foothills of patkai hills with birds chirping around, church bell ringing every sunday for worship .....here in cities, many died ubcared, unloved with moist eyes in their  last hour on earth......longing to be hugged by their mum, dad, sisters, brothers ....and finally dying with that pang of pain in their reckoning hours of death in strange cities ....just only having hallucination of being at home amidst her loved ones ...

- Adieu Kikon sister !
Rest in peace and be with Lord in heaven ...away from this valley of pains and sorrows on earth !
Amen !

- I  dream someday,  people from other parts of India and world will flock to NE states for jobs and business.....

Robin Hibu IPS


1 comment:

  1. May her soul rest in peace and her family's be inspired by God


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