Do our NE youth in cities have future back home? ~ Robin Hibu IPS

NEW DELHI,  AUG 30, 2020 --- Feel bad to tell you about all dark side of NE people's life .... but they come to me only when they are  battered, bruised, abandoned, hurt and finding no hope nor succor  anywhere most of the time in their reckoning hours, their faith on me  is most painful for me , as I can't do much, other than giving HOPE .......
HATE the sin, not the sinners - Need to UNDERSTAND the circumstances -
1- Their is an outcry by most of NE people in social media to name and shame them by exposing these youth both girls and boys  - names, tribes, states  for deterence for other girls etc.

Law doesn't allow to name any minor victims, or juvenile to publish their names. Also, such shaming them generally lead to terrible consequences like suicides or run away from home as they can't bear such societal tagging them as 'fallen outcastes' ... recent example of NE young girl attempting suicide to avoid embarrassment from back home is an indicative of horrible outcome of once their name are known to world.

2-  I had few NE female visitors claiming as working in spas.... ...who hesitantly revealed that, they were rescued by ngo and police with much fanfare initial euphoriac promising them too many rosy rehabilitation packages etc.... but left them to lurch as  out castes in their community........had to come back in the profession for bread and butter,  they told me at least, here they pay you for services, but outside...all wants free services.

They came to me  for helping them to get hostel admission for their fatherless children with fake fathers names in Delhi & NCR schools.

After hearing their painful unwitting journey of exploitations by society and helplessness of being left alone uptill now.......made me very sad and  set me thinking and feeling so helpless for these females .... who also dreamt to have sweet home  with family of their own, but alas, they can't do it now ....

3-  It's poverty, it's hunger, it's lack of employment, its lack of education, it's lack of awareness, it's lack of robust system for encouraging poor girls advancement in life, it's lack of insensitive society, law, family pushing them to survive somehow like drowning person even holding crocodile tail !


- I would like you all to ponder in cool mind  -

a - Why NE states can't have entrepreneurial  development, industrialization.... having full of jobs for our youth especially for girls?

b -  Why our NE youth especially girls have to rush and grab these volatile unpredictable menial skill development training like beauty saloon, spa, grooming, massaging, waiters, receptionists, bpo operators, guide, interpreters, room girls, table girls,.. Are our smart and beautiful NE girls fit for these kind of jobs?

c-  What are incentives for education of poor girls in remote hills, is there any scholarships, hostels, working girls shelters?

d-  What are vocational training based on area specific requirements for girls, why only outdated handlooms training, spas, why no survey on area specific requirements by govts for girls specific jobs ?

e - How much budgets do NE states allot for development of women and girls of their states ?

f-  Why not have Impact Analysis of existing schemes for girls by IIM/IIT for future road maps ?

g-  What have we done for inheritance of parents property excepht for Meghalaya state ?

h -  Why we as a society generally casting aspersion on unmarried young girls ?

i - What are institutions set up advancement for women and girls child in 8 eights other than reactive actions after incidents, why no proactive initiatives by them ?

j -  Are we all giving best education, nutrition, health care for your sisters, daughters in your home ?

k -  Are we  allowing your sisters and daughters to participate in family decisions ?

l -  Are we  allowing them pursue her liking vocations or sports ?

m -  What have we all done to make them fit mentally, physically ...have you admitted them for martial art training, so that, she does not become mere victim without skill to defend herself ?

- PLEASE HAVE SERIOUS THOUGHT ON THIS....than, still you suggest me to shame our meandered sisters and brothers publicly by telling their names, tribes, villages, states in social media ?

- To me, these troubled distreseed youth  from "the profession" seeking my help for admission of their fatherless daughters still haunting me.... and I understand their hapless cruel world ....where they are somehow surviving....don't know how long they will sail ....

- With sad and helpless feeling... thank you all.

(Opinions are personal, based on experiences of dealing cases under the aegis of Helping Hands Ngo in Delhi for 16 years.)


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