An Open Letter to Mrs Th Brinda Devi, MPS

Respected Madam,

I have  been a great admirer and always respect the work, honesty and dedication you have for the service and many young people in Manipur have looked up to you as an inspiration and role model.

The present issue came to my knowledge after coming across media reports of All Manipur Judicial Officers' Association complaint against you in relation to your post in social media.

At first I was perturb how could an association such as Judicial Officers who should be the arbiter of issues be the complainant themselves againts a police officer.
Something that is unprecedented and unheard atleast in recent past. Then I started to do my own little research in relation to your post  and also the reaction from the Association and members of the Bar and also your well wishers who have like always stood by you no matter what the circumstances may be. Here are few points I wish to express

1. To the best of my understanding and knowledge, an interim bail for 3 weeks comes with an expiration date  and beyond any stretch of imagination It cannot be termed or equated with acquittal.

2. Your post have misled to people thinking the accused druglord has been acquitted which incited the public whose knowledge of law and procedure is lacking and therefore invited unsolicited comment againts the institution such as judiciary.

3. Granting of bail or not is the discretion of the court and should any party be aggrieved there are forums like higher court to appeal againts the order rather than resorting social media more so from a responsible police officer like yourself. I was astonished.

4. Fair criticism is one thing however passing a sweeping comment on an institution is quiet the other. The content of your post has travelled beyond fair criticism but maligning the name of the judge and making a sweeping comments againts an institution is uncalled for and unexpected moreso from educated and responsible police officer like yourself.

5. Even assuming for a moment you have criticised on merit, have you ever wondered or even thought the language you used is unparliamentary, objectionable and offensive. This is not how a responsible public servant behave in public moreso being from uniform whose disciplined have stood the test of time.

6. Lastly, respected madam, in your post you offered to teach the learned Judge about law for free of cost. Before that I also wish to give you a free legal advice. There is a word called Sub Judice  which of all the people you should be knowing better . So when a matter is sub Judice we do not talk about it in public period.

I wish to conclude by saying no system is perfect. The system are run by some individual and because we have grieviances againts an individual one cannot blame the entire system.

There are high ranking police officer who are in custody because of drug issue, by your standard should all the police be condemned and painted with the same brush as you just did for the judiciary.

I hold no brief for the judiciary either but I have seen many landmark judgement passed not only by the Hon'ble SC but even the Hon'ble High Court of Manipur  which has changed the course of history of this country and state. You must be knowing better than me.

We are all educated adults and we live in a civil society where not only our freedom is important but the restriction as well. I wish you would have thought twice before choosing the words you choose. Let alone adults even as a child we were brought up and taught not to use such language. At the same time I do understand the anger and frustration but it's a test we all have to raise above by not loosing our self respect.

I understand we live in a free world but what if everyone say whatever they want to say without thinking of consequences. To those who call entire judiciary corrupt , has anyone even thought that there are honest judges in this state who are working day and night despite the challenges for the public good . It's easy to point a finger to someone and it hurts when the other points at u ... it's time for you to introspect so as everyone else.

Btw I don't understand how the accused going on an interim bail spoils the future generation of manipur and that judiciary is useless and corrupt are proves his innocence. The trial is still ongoing and judgement has not been given yet. Let's not jump our guns in haste and conclude things. Allegations are easy to throw, only difference is when you are on the other side, the story changes .

All I am saying is Let us all be able to express our point of view but with civility and in dignified manner ... no one is "Holier than Thou."

PS : I am not in anyway condoning any accused. Who ever has committed a crime be it any offence under IPC or any other law  , let the law take its own course be it the present the past of the future cases. I am only questioning the  nature of the language, the sweeping comment againts an institution with impugnity and the conduct of a public officer in public domain.

Thangminlen Singsit
26 May 2020


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