Mizoram Synod organises Pastoral Care & Counselling Training

AIZAWL –  The 29th  Intensive Residential Pastoral Care & Counselling Training for Church Leaders was held during 1 -14 August, 2018 at the Synod Conference Centre, Aizawl. As this training is a Certificate Course in Counselling, the entire scheduled of time is fully congested and tiresome.

The total number of Counsellee are increasing year by year. Right from the beginning 1997 to July 2018, we have 23,052 clients and out of which 2,425 clients are within this year 2018.

23 Church Leaders hailing from far and near villages selected by their local Church Committee appeared this Intensive Course. As they all fully completed the course, the Statistician of Mizoram Synod, Rev R. Lalnuntluanga give away Certificate to the trainees.

The Family Guidance & Counselling ministry in Mizoram Synod had been started from1997 till today. The first Counselling Centre in Mission Veng was innaugurated at Synod Conference Centre on 21.1.1997 by Rev Vanlalfaka (L) the then Moderator of Mizoram Synod. Rev C. Rosiama, M.Th Counselling (now retired), the welknown born - counsellor was the first Counsellor in that Centre for three years. As it was resolved by the Synod, the centre building, Committee members, staff and Guidelines of its ministries, became much larger to a great extent. Christian Family Committee had been existed as one of the Church's Sub-Committee almost in every local churches since more than ten years back.

The FG&CC Committee, which is the Sub-Committee of Synod Executive Committee, is very useful in giving awareness, uplifting, enriching and guiding Christian families to the way of God's planned family. Having family altar has now been greatly increasing year by year everywhere in Mizoram. The ministry also extent not only in the city, but at present we have 3 Counselling Centres in Aizawl City, and another 4 Centres were at different District capitals. 

The total staff at present are as follows:-
Director  - 1, Office Asst. - 1, Counselors (pastors) - 8, Clinical Counselor -1 lady, Peon cum Chowkidar -7

The main ministries undertaken by the FG&CC can be sumarised like this:
1) Counselling for the needful on every working days at office hour.

2) Outreach Counselling e.g. Remand Home, Protective Home, Orphanage home etc.

3)  To  present  Seminar papers at different Pastorates and local Churches,  selecting some relevant  topics on  Christian Family concerns like- Importance  and Guidance of Christian Family,  Giving, Effects of Media, Marriage, Caring of Children, Caring of Old Age, Family and Financial Management, Relation of husband and Wife, Family Altar.

 4). Having Christian Family Campaigns in various local Church services within the state.

5) To conduct an Intensive Residential Pastoral Care & Counselling Training for  Church Leaders (lay) and Pastors respectively. There are 545 lay leaders and 432 Pastors who had satisfactorily completed this Certificate Course on Intensive Counseling Training.

6)  To organise Consultation/ Workshop on a selected relevant topic.

~ Rev. Lalsangbera
Director, FG&CC
   Mission Veng, Aizawl


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