Gilead Seminary Celebrates Freshers’ Night

“Be Effective Man and Woman”

BENGALURU In aiming to nurture and equip the students to excel as the Servants of Jesus Christ, a Fresher’s Night has been organised by the Gilead Evangelical Theological Seminary (GETS), Bengaluru here in its Mini Auditorium on July 27, 2018.

 The Fresher’s Night started with invocative prayer, by Mr Langs Gonmei, Academic Dean, GETS. Followed by self-introduction from the comperes – Mr Kumar Chhetri, BTh-I and Miss Eshang Konyak, BTh-II, which delighted us in the very beginning. Then the items rolled out.

In welcoming the gathering, Mr Pauson Tombing, BTh final year, greeted everyone cheerfully on behalf of the organizer. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus,” Mr Tombing cited. He rightly chose it, for all of us belongs to different regions. We are one, indeed.

Then came, the neatly wrapped ‘gift’ presented to the new teachers and students, a “token-of-love”. GETS President Rev Dr Pum Za Thang Tombing gave away the gifts to Mr Vezokho Resu (PhD Scholar) and Mr Imtisunep Jamir, MTh, both hails from Nagaland. And to the freshers, Mrs Thianching Tombing presented the gifts. 

All eyes were glued to the lovely comperes, whose smiles captured the audience with great expectations, something lively to come by.  

While the freshers were giving self-intro, there was a stunning performance by a young lad, Mangmuansang Valte, BTh-I, who suddenly exclaimed loudly “HA-LEH-LUI-AH!” after his speech. Many hands applauses for his sudden ‘shout’. “Well done bro!”

Rev Dr Pum Za Thang Tombing
In exhorting the students, Rev Dr Pum Za Thang Tombing, reads: “Rejoice not overcome me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me” (Micah 7:8). “A Journeyfrom Brokenness to Wholeness; Failure to Success; and Discouragement to Encouragement,” was his topic; focusing the students to be ‘effective man and woman’.

Rev Dr Tombing also drawn exemplary from the life of Abraham Lincoln (the 16th President of USA), Donald Trumph (US President), and Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India). These men overcome difficulties multiple times. “First, honestly face defeat; second, undo the damage; and third, reverse the consequences,” he encouraged the students. His words pierced our hearts. There’s no single word, worthless.

The night was loaded with melodious songs from Gilead students. Old students welcomed the freshers with, “Give thanks with a grateful heart”. Mr Timothy of BTh-I rendered “All Mighty Saviour”; Mr Sonmuan Khuptong, MDiv-II, spellbound his own composed gospel rap-song. The freshers beautifully echoed “Jesus Lamb of God”; and the GETS Trio – Mr Geroge Anal, MDiv final; Mr Sangthang, MDiv-I; Mr Pauson Tombing; and Mr Nungsang, BTh final (on keyboard) mesmerized the audience with “The Old Rugged Cross”.   

The entertainment, led by Mr Sonmuan Khuptong and Mr George Anal, enlightened us with fascinating moments. Many eyebrows a raised.

Near to the end, Mr Nelson V Godhikar, Dean of Students announced the members of the Students’ Council. Rev Dr Pum Za Thang Tombing blessed the council members with his prayer.

Mr McGinlianthang, Librarian and Dr Tonsing Samuel also graced the function.   With the prayer of Mr Nelson V Godhikar, the extravaganza night came to an end vividly like the whirlwind. Thereafter everyone joined the sumptuous meal, deliciously prepared by the senior students. The affectionate treatments shown to the freshers will be a living memory for the freshers. 

It may be mentioned that GETS is accredited with the Asian Theological Association, Bengaluru. Since its inceptions, GETS has produced a commendable number of theologians, preachers, missionaries and evangelists working in different parts of India and South-East Asian countries. ‘There is balm in Gilead’.

The idea and vision of establishing a Biblical Seminary was conceived at Tulsa in the United States towards the completion of Rev. Dr. Pum Za Thang Tombing Doctoral Program at the Oral Roberts University. Having fervently waited upon God in much prayer and fasting, God gave him a clear confirmation of the vision. Therefore, Rev. Dr. Pum Za Thang Tombing returned to Bangalore, India to fulfill the vision of a Bible Seminary.

Gilead Evangelical Theological Seminary (GETS) is a faith ventured ministry with its biblical foundation in I Kings 17:1. It was established in 2004 to provide quality theological education to emerging youth leaders for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

~ Bruce K. Thangkhal 
MDiv-I, GETS, Bengaluru.


1 comment:

  1. It's really nice to know that you are having a good time over there. Becoming a different person to be with Christ and it was really nice to read your blog.


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