“The Other Sides Of My Dad” ~ Grace Zamnu

MY DAD, the most successful politician and true social worker.

To most people, due to my daddy's unsuccessful in the election to Legislative Assembly, he must have been called a failure in politics or social, but to me he is not.

Pu S. Lianzakap as KUTPA in State Level Kut Fest 2011.
 Observing few of his past involvements viz. General Secretary of the Kuki National Assembly (KNA, NEI), the only political party the Chin/Kuki /Mizo had in those days in India, the General Secretary of the Vaiphei National Organisation (VNO) and the General Secretary of Manipur People's Party (Hills), etc., I observed till date, those days when my daddy were involved with them had been the only time when they got highest regards, popularity and fame.

Though my dad failed to be an elected member, he never cease to work for the cause of development and betterment or reformation of a society. To whosoever he worked for, he was truly and sincerely committed. In elections, whosoever candidate he worked for got elected. On being invited, he would never disagree. He would helped a candidate got elected even without the candidate's personal presence.

Pu S. Lianzakap (1942-2018)
So, to me he is truly a politician who makes a King though he could not achieved to be a king. He would worked for a person, organisations or party mainly to help reform, developed or to enhance progress to the people's political aspirations.

Nothing more. If my dad had involved in those things just for his personal gains, those many high status he held were sufficient enough to make him rich.

Besides, my dad has a special personality of being liked by young and old. I could not imagine how he would be loved by people of all ages equally.

He would often adviced me saying, "Whenever you enter a village, get into the home of the poorest family". He would never deny to voice for the voiceless and helped the poor with his all possible capabilities.

I could remember when we were in school days, though we lived hand to mouth by running a small tea hotel for food and schoolings, daddy never had time to earn. He spent most of his time in helping out people who needed helps. He would never say "No" to whoever needed his ability and capability for help, help the poor people, orphans and widows.

On his changed of beliefs on issues, he had concrete reasons which were generally more genuine and rational.

Above all, he always strived for Peace and Unity amongst the Zo descendants of Manipur and India.

Till moments on his death bed, he never cease to talk about his dreams for peace and unity among the Zosuans.
~ Grace Zamnu*

(*The writer, daughter of late S. Lianzakap, is alone woman Member of District Council, Muallum, Churachandpur District, Manipur)


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