Zogamonline Music Awards 2014 held

Lamka, 27 Dec 2014:  The Zomi social network ‘Zogamonline.com’ organised its 3rd edition of Zogamonline Music Awards (ZOLMA) here in YPA Hall, Hiangtam Lamka on Saturday night.

The music award was inaugurated by a popular writer Dr R Sanga. The award ceremony was co-host by Mr Thangzasiam and Ms Rebecca.

In the award distribution, Mr K Thangboi Vaiphei received the Best Male Vocalist, Ms Kim Dingdi Khaute received the Best Female Vocalist ah, Ms Ningmuanching received the Most Promising Artiste and the Best Choir Award goes to BYF Dorcas Veng EBC.

Those singers in the Top 2 of Best Male Vocalist and Best Female Vocalist also awarded Rs 10,000 alongwith Memento and Appreciation Certificate.

Zogamonline.com was launched in 2005 under the initiative of Mr Ginpu Guite, now a government servant based in Guwahati and the website has been administered under the leadership of Mr Mung Ngaihte and his friends.

BYF Pethuel Choir, BYF Vengnuam, PWF Lailam Veng, BYF Dorcas Veng and PYF Rayburn as well as local pop singers Mr Muanlal Tunglute and Mr Muan Hangzo enthralled the audience with their soulful songs.

~ Bruce K. Thangkhal

The Mizoram Post | Manipur Chronicle | The Northeast Today | Zogam Today


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