Indigenous leaders
of Chittagong Hill Tracts
About the International Indigenous Day and the Indigenous
leaders of the Chittagong Hill Tracts
Today, the leaders want Indigenous recognition. What marvelous politics. UPDF, that never wanted the Peace Accord of CHT, complained that the JSS leaders earned huge money from International organizations, such as the United Nations Development Organizations (UNDP), DANIDA, Asia Development Bank (ADB), in the name of observation of Indigenous Day. They save money to buy arms with. Leaders of both organizations complain with each other.
On the other hand the government announced that in Bangladesh the term Adibashi (Indigenous) cannot be used, now people can only use the term Nrigushthi (small ethnic group). Earlier, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni stated that there were no Indigenous people in Bangladesh. Bangladesh government (according to memo: CHTAM (s-2)29/2010/25, Date: 28.01.2010) announced that according to the notice declared by the government there are 45 Indigenous peoples in Bangladesh. In the laws of Hill District Councils, Regional Council and state’s constitution “tribes” should be used for the hill peoples of Chittagong Hill Tracts. The term Indigenous was not used anywhere for the hill people.
Mr. Dipankor Talukder, former Minister of CHT Affairs, said that Sontu Larma (Chairman of JSS and the present Chairman of Bangladesh Indigenous Forum) and Barrister Devashish Roy (Chief of Chakma Circle) spoke about that there are no Indigenous here in this country; there are small ethnic people. They are now urging to the government for recognition as indigenous.
Diponkor Talukder also said that when the first World Indigenous Day was observed in Dhaka in 1994, Sontu Larma himself said then no Indigenous peoples in Bangladesh. We are all tribes. He (Talukder) repeated that during the Peace Accord of CHT, he had said to Sontu Larma to use the term indigenous in place of tribe, but he then did not agree with him.
At the time, Larma rather told him that we are not indigenous people, we are tribal. As a result, the term tribe for all the hill peoples was included in the CHT Peace Accord.
On the other hand, Barrister Devashish Roy, while he was
an adviser in the Caretaker government, wrote that there are no Indigenous
peoples in Bangladesh. There are only tribal people. If so, why are leaders
interested to use the term indigenous now? What are the reasons behind this?
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