Priyanka Chopra, who is playing Mary Kom in the biopic on the Olympic bronze medalist, visited Manipur on Monday and Tuesday. After visiting Mary in the state’s capital, Imphal, the actor was hosted by the boxer and her husband Onler at their native village, Kangathel.
“Mary took Priyanka to the places where she practises and spends time, and introduced her to her coach. Priyanka was looking forward to meet her two-month-old baby and was very happy to see him,” says a source. She also danced with the locals in their traditional costume, phanek.
“This was a purely researched-based trip for the film. It was wonderful for me, Omang (the film’s director) to be hosted by Mary, Onler and her family. The people of Manipur were very gracious and welcoming and we look forward to coming back here soon,” says Priyanka, who turns 31 today.
The actor lost her father earlier this month and will thus have a quiet birthday with family.
Source: HT
“Mary took Priyanka to the places where she practises and spends time, and introduced her to her coach. Priyanka was looking forward to meet her two-month-old baby and was very happy to see him,” says a source. She also danced with the locals in their traditional costume, phanek.
“This was a purely researched-based trip for the film. It was wonderful for me, Omang (the film’s director) to be hosted by Mary, Onler and her family. The people of Manipur were very gracious and welcoming and we look forward to coming back here soon,” says Priyanka, who turns 31 today.
The actor lost her father earlier this month and will thus have a quiet birthday with family.
Source: HT
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