KSO condemns on the killings of KLA leader and his minor daughter

IMPHAL, July 15, 2013 [TSE/NNN] : The Kuki Students' Organisation, General Headquarters (KSO-GHQ) has vehemently condemned the July 13 Champhai incident in which a Saikul bound vehicle of the Kuki Liberation Army (KLA) Home Secretary and his family members were heavily attacked by unknown assailants resulting in the instant death of Mr Seikhohao Khongsai alias Marwin, the Home Secretary of KLA and the subsequent death of his daughter Zoukim Khongsai who succumbed to her bullet injury later on July 14 at Shija Hospital in Imphal while causing serious injuries to two of the family members.

The KSO said it condemns in the strongest term whosoever may be the assailants, the enmity they have with the deceased KLA functionary is not much a matter of concern.

"However, indiscriminately firing upon civilians, women and children just to terminate their subject is of great concern to the student organization. Such barbaric and inhuman act of the assailants has no place in today's civilized world. It is a universal conventional practice that in every arm forces group engaged in combat whether state or non-state actor civilian safety is always set the top most priority," the Kuki students' body said.

It then added, "As a matter of fact, if they were a true revolutionary group they could have chosen for another suitable day seeing the innocent family members boarding the same vehicle with the subject in order to avoid the lost of innocent life of a little girl and casualties to other family members. If this unfortunate incident happens to be a factional fight amongst the armed groups, the KSO earnestly appeals to all the Kuki underground groups notwithstanding to their different political ideologies or demands to shun violence henceforth.

The civil organizations, the public and the Kuki populace have witnessed enough bloodshed amongst the brothers in arms and in between many innocent civilian lives had also gone in vain since the inception of Kuki revolutionary groups".

The KSO then appeals to the persons/group involved to clarify the reasons behind their act in public interest and urges not to repeat such acts in the future.

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