Rs 323 crore earmarked for ADCs in Manipur

IMPHAL, Jun 24, 2013 [TSE] --- The State Government has earmarked Rs 323,44,97,000 crore from the State's annual budget of 2013-14 for Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) so that the ADCs can function without any financial glitch.

ADCs were re-established in 2010 after a gap of almost 20 years by holding election amidst violent objections and threats, Gaikhangam recalled while discussing certain demands in the State Assembly this afternoon.

With the opening of Tribal Affairs and Hills Directorate after restructuring the erstwhile Tribal Development and Hills, ADCs have been streamlined and they have already started functioning.

During the current financial year, Rs 426,27,56,000 have been earmarked for Tribal Affairs and Hills in the State budget, and 50 per cent of this amount would be spent in paying salaries and allowance to employees.

Out of the total amount of Rs 426,27,56,000, Rs 323,44,97,000 would be transferred to ADCs. It would cater to requirements for non-plan expenditures and payment of salaries to employees.

Tribal Affairs and Hills Minister Gaikhangam claimed that his department has been implementing a number of schemes for welfare of the poor and downtrodden. If the amount invested in the department is utilised properly, people would certainly reap some positive results, he asserted.

Saying that it looks like some individuals have been misappropriating the schemes meant for underprivileged section of the society, Gaikhangam called upon big Haos to stop eating up small Haos like big fishes eating smaller fishes.

To enable people enjoy benefits of the schemes, the department has been sharing information with the people through mass media including internet.

Taking part in the demand discussion, IFC Minister Ngamthang Haokip stated that works would be initiated with greater priorities in the valley once the budget amount is released.

On account of fund constraints, many works are pending in IFC Department and the department is spending Rs 19,2600,000 a year in paying salaries to its employees.

Presently, the department is unable to pay full pending salaries of the employees because of financial difficulties being endured by the Government.

Opposition MLAs Dr I Ibohalbi, RK Imo, Th Shyamkumar, L Ibomcha, P Brojen, Th Bishwajit and O Lukhoi raised cut motions and participated in discussing the demands.

Later, three demands were passed by the House after due deliberation. The demands passed today by the House were Demand No 14 (Tribal Affairs and Hills Department) amounting to Rs 426,27,56,000, Demand No 35 (Stationery and Printing) amounting to Rs 500,36,000 and Demand No 40 (Irrigation and Flood Control Department) amounting to Rs 860,33,00,000.


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