Reknown Kuki scholar interacts with Kuki Students in Delhi

New Delhi, April 8, 2013 [] --- An interaction with Nehginpao Kipgen, general secretary of the United States of America-based Kuki International Forum (KIF) and a visiting research scholar at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (, was concluded successfully on April 4, 2013. 

The seminar, organized by the Kuki Students' Organization, Delhi, under the theme "Foreign Policy & Democratic Transition: Its relevance to the Kuki Society" was held at the auditorium of the School of Social Sciences (SSS-I), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

The event, hosted by Kimrose Vaiphei, was attended by graduate students and research scholars of different universities in Delhi metropolitan city. The discussion session was moderated by Thangpu Guite, a research scholar from Delhi University, and the proceeding was recorded by Thethem Kipgen, a research scholar from Jawaharlal Nehru University.

The resource person, Nehginpao Kipgen, spent about an hour and half in presenting his paper, and the remaining hours were utilized for an interactive discussion session and a short break for tea. 

Various questions pertaining to India's Look East Policy and Democracy & Democratic Transition in the context of the Kuki society were asked. Due to time constraint, many more issues could not be addressed. 

The resource person was presented a gift and appreciation certificate. The program, which lasted from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm local time, was wrapped up with a photo session.

Kipgen presented another paper titled "Democratic Transition in Myanmar/ Burma: Patterns of Political Change" at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) on April 5th and left New Delhi on April 6th.

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