The KHALVONTAWIS [Thangkhal descendants] in Delhi will be celebrating their annual gathering, the KHALVONTAWI MEET, with the theme "Righteousness Exalts a Nation" on 14th November 2012 at SSS-I Auditorium, JNU, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Everyone is invited to join the celebration. A traditional dinner will be served on this occasion, according to the organizers.
On the event banner, you will see a mighty river—the giant force that submerged numerous Thangkhal villages and paddy fields, leaving them buried beneath its waters. Once self-sufficient, the villagers now struggle to sustain their livelihoods, caught between this unwanted river and their ancestral lands. Thanks to Khuga Dam for bringing the 'omen'!
Amidst this reality, righteousness remains absent in the so-called Christian heartland, Lamka, where thousands live in misery. The message from the banner is clear: to rebuild our nation, we need this small 'r'—righteousness.
(In Commemoration of the 25th TSP Anniversary)
(2:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
Venue : SSS-I Auditorium, JNU, New Delhi
02. Invocation Prayer : Upa T Ginlunthang, Local Upa, ZCF Delhi
03. Welcome Address : Mr Kammuanmung, Chairman, KV
04. Special No.: Mr T Boboi, Ms Ngainu
05. Exhortation Speech : Rev T Kamsuanlal, Pastor, MELC Delhi
06. Special No.: Miss Biaklian Buansing
07. Speech : Rev Jangkholun Mangte, Pastor, ZCF Delhi
08. Special No. : SWEET 16
09. MESSAGE & BLESSING : Rev Dr Langkhanthang Lianzaw, Founder & CEO, New Beginning Gospel Ministry International, New Delhi
10. Special item : The RUBBER Band
11. Special No.: Mr Suankap
12. KHALPIPA (Father of KV Meet) : Rev Khaikhanthang, Retired Pastor, Thangkhal Bible Church, Manipur
13. Special No.: Mr Kapbiaklian, Mr Khanthang, Mr Kamsian
14. “NUIH DAM THEIHNA” Mr Khaipupa, The Great . Mr Muanneu, The Great Thunder
15. HIP HOP – Nauching & Co.
16. Special No.: Mr Kaiminlun
17. Word of Thanks : Mr Hanglamthang, Finance-cum-Treasurer, KV
18. Benediction: Upa Kamsuan, Laina Gospel Team, Lamka
Come ONE Come ALL
Come, Enjoy & Be Blessed