TET exam conducted in Church

IMPHAL, Nov 28 [TSE]: The farce continues. Members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, New Checkon have taken strong exception to the conduct of the TET examination inside the Church today. Speaking to The Sangai Express members of the Church said that the Headmaster of Covenant English School informed them that the examination was conducted inside the Church as per the directives of BOSEM. Strongly condemning the incident, the members in a statement said that the disrectpectful conduct of the school and BOSEM is uncalled for and urged all concerned not to repeat such acts in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I think it is so very very important to properly know the source of any news/ideas/articles that are bieng shared or to be shared....in this incident so focused the hall which was used for the exam is not a CHURCH but a hall that has hosted many important function's ...and also has been used for Worshipping as well.
    On the other side,i think the Headmaster or the people concerned in granting permission for such an exam has done a great work keeping the goodwill of all and not neglecting the differently able persons (blind candidates) yes! a multipupose hall which is at times use for Worshiping has to be dealt with utmost respect....but is writing an exams in a hall a dirty work? is writing an exams today is treated the same as pubs, night clubs? ......it is not fair to blame anyone in this matter or ever ready to fling faults of others...


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