All roads lead to Arunachal House
“The Thangkhals are moving one step forward”
WITH MUCH enthusiasm, the Khalvontawis in the national capital celebrated the long awaited ‘The 7th Khalvontawi Meet’ on September 13 at Arunachal House Auditorium under the aegis of Khalvontawi Committee Delhi (KVCD). Around 150 people from all the corners turned out to celebrate the annual event. It was a day for the Khalvontawis in which all the roads lead to Arunachal House. Those KVs from Gurgaon boarded the KV Bus at Hauz Khas in time. The Bus reached Munirka pick-up point timely, however, few got in. Many of them were left by the bus. Those people took auto-rickshaw! Some KVs were lost in searching the venue, yet, they managed to reach.
The programme started at 2.48 pm when the comperes, Mr Hangmuanthang and Miss Nianghauching took up their chairs and announced the detail programme. The meet began with ‘TSP Anthem’ as the opening song which was led by The Khalnou Trio singers, assisted by some senior leaders. This was followed by the humble prayer of Nu Mannuamching, dedicating the day at the hands of the Almighty God. Nu Ching expressed her happiness about the Thangkhals coming together under one umbrella once in a year, after a long gap.
Shortly after that, the compere informed the gathering that “Rev Jangkholun Mangte, Pastor, ZCF Delhi would not be with us due to unavoidable circumstance. In lieu of him, a desirable and affectionate, Rev Jonathan Nehlian, Pastor, ZPCS Delhi will fill-up his role”. Rev Mangte and his family met an accident on the fateful night of September 2 while they were returning home around 11.30 pm after attending Safdarjung Prayer Cell Meeting. On that night, an unidentified car suddenly hit their motorcycle (bike) from behind, leaving all of them lying unconscious on the road. The car fled away from the spot. Luckily, a taxi driver helped them! Pastor’s wife, Ginngaihching injured her head, still in bed. Their two daughters also suffered minor injuries. It is heard that they are recovering gradually.
While welcoming the gatherings, Pu T. Ginlunthang, Chairman, KVCD said: “There are three elements for success – Obedience, Self Confidence and Righteousness. You must be obedience to your parents, teachers and elders. This word is importantly mentioned in the Old Testament and New Testament. So obedience has a big meaning in our life. You must have self-confidence to achieve your aim. You should not forget it. Always remember, without righteousness, you'll land in nowhere. So keep it with you whatever you do or wherever you go”.
KVCD chairman further said that Thangkhal comprised of various clans (beh-le-phung) binded by a dialect called ‘Thangkhal Haam’, which today’s young Khalvontawis cannot ignore it. However, one should not hate nor despise the other. “We cannot neglect our clan, thus we all must be careful in our future endeavours. Let us always strive for brotherhood, peace and harmony”. He added: “KV leaders do not oppose any KV who joins ZSP/SSPP/KZP/KSO, etc. And those KVs are also expected the same. We all are equally important for our society. Let us work together for the upliftment of our people”.
Then a veteran singer and lyricist, Mr Henry T. Mungnou crooned one of his songs, “Khawksa Sese Khang’E”. Mr Mungnou rendered the spirit of joy. The singer magnetized many listeners towards the stage.
Now comes the time for fresher’s introduction. According to the list, there are 20 new faces, but six boys and six girls lined up to face the music (questions)! Some fresher came for better future, some for career and others for jobs. The host and hostess questioned the fresher interestingly. In some instances, beyond expectations, some fresher overpowered in answering and counter-questioning! This was the fairly funny part. Lots of laughter sparked off during the introduction. Some of the fresher are not timid and introvert at all, they can easily put your head in ‘shame’ before the public eyes! Few of them counter-questioned the compere in a lighter vein. The round of questions has shown many funny moments and gestures!
A man of substance, Rev Jonathan Nehlian, who is the present shepherd (pastor) of Zou Presbyterian Church Synod, Delhi cited scriptures from Joshua 1:5. “Now the fresher are entering into a new world in which they have many things to ‘do’ and ‘dont’ at every step. To achieve one’s goal, one must utilise his/r time effectively by remembering God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth”.
Drawing clues from the life of Daniel, who used to pray thrice a day by opening his window towards the holy city of Jerusalem, Rev Nehlian encouraged the people that Daniel, a man of prayer in the Bible, lived accordingly with the words of God. This is why God blessed Daniel throughout his life. Like him, every one of you, who are presence here, must seek honesty and perseverance, to make one’s life meaningful”.
“You should be self principled and always follow it carefully. So that, you won’t goes astray from your goal. Let your mind should not be tempted by evil things. Always be truthful and honest in your deeds. Then you can say, ‘For Christ and Our Nation’ (The Theme: Toupa Leh I Nam A Di’n),” said Rev Nehlian, encouraging the gathering. After spiritually nurturing the fresher, Rev Jonathan Nehlian blessed them and prayed for the heavenly blessings.
Then the gospel band – Revival Thunders – Mr Biaklian, singer, Mr Singpi, lead guitarist, Mr Benjamin Samte, bassist and Mr John Mung, drummer rocks the audience with their electrifying sounds and music. The lead singer spellbound gospel number, like heavy metal rock band. The band is indeed the great thunder which ousted all the dullness and laziness from the hall. The Thunders really thundered every ears and eyes.
Giving tips for the fresher, a senior student leader, Mr Suanliankhup Baite said: “We are the chosen. We left our home where we live in different communal zones. We should not possessed the mentality of our home grown. As we are aware that Manipur is a land of divisive policy, narrow mindedness and tribe-based politics which are detrimental to peace and harmony in the state. Such narrow divisive thoughts should not be practiced here”.
Mr Baite further emphasized that KVs in the capital must be broadminded and studious. “This will add feathers to our community. The prime objective of fresher should be education and career. Don’t try to simply pass your graduate course. Try to grasp the golden opportunity of living in the capital, where there’s ample of chances to get success. Time management is very important for everyone. Thus make personal routine to be followed everyday and night. Your success is our success”. With posing a challenging word to the youngsters, “If the present leaders led you to this stage, then how far will you lead your youngsters in the coming days?” Mr Baite concluded his speech.
The young and beautiful singers Miss Rosie, Miss Ruthi and Miss Kimboi, who were now known as – Khalnou Trio – presented the heart rendering song. The audience love to see them once again. Unfortunately, the Trio never appeared on the stage. “Time was too short. The Trio should be given time to sing at the end. I’m not satisfied,” says, a young boy (name unknown). “That’s true!!” seconded another smart-tall looking guy!! Boy’s begun crazy after the trio sang the sweet song. The Khalnou Trio became the most loveable singers of the day. These little girls were the cynosure of all eyes who have stolen many hearts.
While all the minds with the Trio, there’s another mindboggling – KV NEWS. The special issue of ‘Khal-Vontawi News’ (Motto: Our Dialect is Our Identity), a monthly newsletter in Thangkhal dialect was released by its founding editor and former editor, Bruce K. Thangkhal.
The founder and former editor, KV News expressed his heartfelt thanks to the organisers (KV Leaders/KVCD) for giving the opportunity to release the News. He also appreciated those persons, who rendered selfless service for the birth of KV News. Firstly, Mr Khailianlal @ Khaltal, who had financially supported the founder editor in the first issue, September 2006. Secondly, Mr Jehou Samte and Mr Benson Guite, Computer Owners. The editor used their computer many times for KV News. They came to know each other from Mr Hangminlun Suantak, who had introduced the editor to Jehou and Benson. So far nothing special presentation has been given to them. Looking ahead for another good time! Thirdly, Mr Mangzamuan @ Mangneu Thangkhal, the backbone of the KV News. Now Mr Hanglamthang, Joint Editor, assisted him. Thanks to the Joint Editor also! Fourthly, Mr Ginlunthang (our chairman), who financially sponsored ‘Khalvontawi Tongsuah’, a magazine in Thangkhal dialect. The first issue appeared in April 2000. The magazine was later renamed as ‘Vaphual’. “These are some of the big names which I owed special thanks. I am really grateful to them,” the founder of KV News said.
KVCD has given awards and presentation to its members who got government jobs. Since its inception, this has been practiced to encourage one another in seeking better employments in the central or state services. Though few succeed in the bygone days, it is expected that many more will comes out with flying colours in the days to come. Mr Thangzakhen, Assistant Manager, Indian Overseas Bank, Mr Khamkholianthang, Tax Assistant, Mr Hanglamthang, Assistant, EPFO and Mr Hausuankhai, Assistant, SBI were few of the torchbearers. The first two were in their posting. The awards were delivered by a veteran KSOD leader, Mr. Lalboi Misao, who is also the Chief of Lhavom Village.
The year 2011 is significant for the Thangkhals. New records were set since the beginning of the year. Thangkhal Bible Church Executive Director and Bible Translator, Rev Ginkhankap landed USA on September 6 to study Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) in Oral Roberts University. Mr Hangkhanlian (s/o Rev. Dalzakam, Imphal) got admitted in BA (Economics) in Shivaji College (DU), Miss Lena Chiinneiniang (d/o Upa Langhaulian, Lamka) admitted for GNM (Nursing) in St Stephen’s Hospital (Delhi), Miss L Merry, as GNM (Nursing) in Andhra Pradesh, Mr Jangkholam (s/o Khupngaihcing, M. Tanglian) received CDSU Topper Awards in Commerce Stream on July 20. He topped CCpur District in 10+2 Commerce. Now he is presently studying Commerce (Hons) in Ramjas College (DU). Miss Tingneilien (d/o T. Goupau, Zomi Colony) cleared Military Nursing (BSC/N) entrance exam and joined the course. Miss Donglemkim (d/o T. Kammuanpau, Zomi Fins lead guitarist & Chief of M.T. Geltam village) cleared AIEEE but she declined, and opted for Clinical, Nutrition and Dietics (Hons) course in Shillong. Now she’s there! Mr Dany Khuplianlal (s/o S. Dalthang) was selected for Master of Public Health course in United Kingdom, through scholarship provided by The Ford Foundation. Dany is now in UK. Last year, Mr T. Khuplianlam, hailing from T. Khajang village, landed in Japan to further continue Master in Architecture. He is likely to return home with Doctorate Degree. Another KV from Khuangmun village, Mr Kamlianlal recently went for study tour in Japan. He was among the few chosen. Mr Lal is presently doing MPhil in JNU.
While the majority of the Thangkhals are lagging behind the technology and communication, there is a sign of giant leap. The Thangkhal e-Bible Project 2011 which has been undertaken by around twenty Khalvontawis in Delhi is completed recently. They divided the portion of New Testament and each individual is assigned to finish his or her portion within the time frame. Things have been done as scheduled. The project was initiated under the guidance of Pu HangP, a tax assistant, who recently posted in Hyderabad. The pdf version is now available in Khalvontawi Website ( The mobile version of New Testament in Thangkhal dialect is in the pipeline. This will be available in website shortly.
Exhortation speech was given by Mr Kammuanmung, a PhD student in JNU. “Delhi is the city of opportunity, where you can become great or small. It depends on you. There are many people who returned home in vain. But there are many who achieved their aims and objects. This is the city where many raise to IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, etc. Now, start from the beginning,” said Mr Mung while encouraging the fresher. He gracefully warned the fresher, saying: “You should know many temptations will come to you. It may be in good or bad, which is really difficult to identify. You should be alert and careful enough to know what is good and what is bad. Otherwise, you won't conquer anything. So my dear brothers and sisters, try to identify the temptation which could drive away your mind and attention”.
For the first time in the capital, a group of youngsters in traditional costumes led by Mr Satpu and Miss Mawite, displayed the Thangkhal Cultural Dance (Pupa Laam) with the folk songs (Sannem La) and bamboo-pipe music (Phit La). This is how the forefathers of Thangkhal sang and dance during the festivals in the olden days. Girls dress is a combination of white, red and green stripes while the boys only worn traditional shawl.
Two great men – Mr Khamsuankhup and Mr Ginmuanlal @ Muanneu – entertained the audience lively and joyfully towards the end of the day. Mr Khup narrated funny jokes while Mr Lal, is a man whose mouth is full of music/sounds. Lal’s mouth can produce any music or sounds like drumming, guitar, etc. Or say anything, than can be possible too! On the other, Mr Khup can turn anything into jokes. These two entertainers have shortened the day. Both are the sources of smiles and laughs. Everyone laughs, some almost burst out their stomach! Some hold their mouth tightly, why?
KVCD Finance Secretary Mr. Hausuankhai gave the financial report. According to the report, the total contribution is Rs. 17,000 and expenditure amounted to Rs. 21,905. The Finance Secretary said, “Mr Pauminlianthang, President, Thangkhal Peoples’ Organisation (H/Q) promised to us that he will contribute Rs. 5,000 as soon as possible”. The organisers also thanked the president for his goodwill and his timely intervention in the need of the hour.
The organiser presented Thangkhal traditional shawl to Rev Jonathan Nehlian as a token of love and gratitude for gracing the function. As appreciation, the shawl was hung around the pastor’s neck by the ‘Mother of Khalvontawi’, Nu Niangdeihchiin, whom the KVs honoured as their own mother.
Too much impressed by the meet, the Mother of KV pours out her happiness and contributed Rs. 1000. Rev. Jangkholun Mangte and his family also contributed two packets of sweet for the celebration.
Then The Revival Thunders once again rocked the entire hall. It is the traditional way of Thangkhals to make a big exclamation, locally known as ‘Tangsamna’, in the name of great contributors. This happens only when someone had genuinely given a gift. Thus the time for – Slogan - shouting at the highest pitch! Mr Muanneu Thangkhal took the role of ‘Tangsampa’. Before he proceeds, he gave the hints to be followed. The moment Muanneu shouted at the top of his voice: “Nu Chiin in Dangka Tulkhat ung piak manin lungdamhuai mahmah eh mataw!? Pastor Jangkholun in muamkhum ung piak manin lungdamhuai mahmah eh mataw!?” The crowd responded: “Tazen Aw!!!” When Muanneu shouts again, “Valek!.. Valek!! Valek!!!” The crowd responded thunderously: “Tazen Aw! Tazen Aw!! Tazen Aw!!!”
Towards the end, KVCD Secretary Mr Mangzamuan delivered the words of thanks. The secretary left no names by naming one by one. Big thanks to Pu Thangzalun Khuptong for his help! Also thanks to the cameramen, Mr Zoukhanthang and Mr Mamang Baite. Thanks to the Ushers and Volunteers who satisfied the revelers on the day.
While the sun is lowly hanging over the horizon, the daylong fantastic event came to an end successfully with the closing prayer of Rev Jonathan Nehlian at 6.12 pm. Soon after the end of the programme, everyone rushed towards the stage for ‘clicks’. Young girls and boys have been seen posing before the lens in various styles. There seems lightning inside the hall! Oh it was the flashes of digital cameras only, not lightning!!
Slowly and slowly, the sweet aroma of the delicious meal reached the tip of every nostril. Amazingly, many people disappeared gradually from the auditorium. Those were later seen in bee-line to get that tasty smell – delicious meal – which was served by the Ushers outside the hall in the open compound. Within few minutes from the scene, silence prevails all over. Everyone is busy, yet, goes on chatting! Though, no one wants to part at all. Many of them were seen emotionally sad, somewhere in ‘tears’ at the very end. “Good Bye, See You Again in 2012” is the last word of everyone.
- Bruce K. Thangkhal
KHALVONTAWI MEET was a vibrant reflection of their cultural unity, where everyone warmly welcomed and greeted each other. Such gatherings play a vital role in preserving traditions, strengthening communal bonds, and fostering a sense of belonging among members living away from their homeland.
The Night Before)
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