The 27th January 2025
This is to state that BUNGLEN KUKI VILLAGE of present day Karbi Anglong, Assam is one of the various Kuki Villages located in the erstwhile "British Jampi Area 1907‟ of "Sibsagar Division", Assam during Colonial period, (The Kukis of Assam, B.B Goswani, 1985/ The British Jampi Area: A Historical Study, PK Das, 2017 & The History of Karbi Anglong, D.K Singha, 2013).
Shri Ngamhen Lenthang Kuki, is the current Chief of Bunglen Village,* who is the legal heir as per Kuki Traditional Chiefship and Grandson of (L) Ngulkhongam Kuki whom the MIKIR HILLS DISTRICT COUNCIL, Diphu, Assam had issued Land Holding Right Vide District Council Scheduled V Form No. II, bearing Receipt No. 504 of MHDC, (Annexures pasted for reference).
Sri Khaya Sing Terang, Mouzader* also certified that Shri Ngulkhongam Kuki of Bunglen Village of BORJAN MOUZA has been regularly paying House-Tax vide "Certified", dated, the 11th April 1969.
Shri Ngamhen Lenthang Kuki, Chief of Bunglen Village* is known to me for the last 5 years. He is not related to me.
President, WKZIC
Copy to:
1. Kuki Inpi Assam (KIA) for kind information & acknowledgement.
2. Kuki National Assembly (KNA), Assam for kind information & acknowledgement.
3. Kuki Students' Organisation, Assam for kind information & acknowledgement.
4. Khongsai Inpi (KI)-GHQ for kind information & acknowledgement.
5. Shri Ngamhen Lenthang Kuki, Chief of Bunglen Village, Karbi Anglong, Assam.
6. Guard File/ Relevant File.
Director, Info & Public Relation (DIPR), WKZIC.